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Join us at 9:00 AM as we study God's Word together. Adults have 3 options to choose from: ·

 Making Disciples: Have you ever desired to make an impact on the life of others - to be the one to help guide someone through life’s journeys? This practice class will train and equip you to be able to disciple or mentor new believers in their Faith journey with Christ. (Taught by Phil Castle) ·

 The Ways of God: Have you ever wondered how God is at work in this world? How is God accomplishing His purposes and revealing His will to His people, ever molding them into the holy people He wants them to be? This book study will guide you on the path to understanding the ways of God better. (Taught by Warren McDaniel)

 The Book of Acts: Acts serves as a historical backbone of the Epistles and rapidly expanding faith. It is filled with drama, miracles, and speeches about the risen Christ. (Taught by Keith Price)

We also offer Sunday School classes by age from babies to seniors in high school.